Time for a blog ?

on Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ok.. ok.. OK!!.. so i'm a lousy blogger - as my so-called with kindly reminded me.

But fact is, so much is going on in my life these days, so instead of giving an in-detail blog, i'll just do a list.. much easier.

1. Bought new car (read below)
2. Bought house
3. Bought cycle
4. Moved to house
5. Quit one of my two jobs.
6. Joined Sabas as technical director
7. Started Aditro as Fulltime (thats both good and bad)

(I'm a work a-holic that takes the provider role in my family very serious)

In between this list, i have a few notes to add.

About being a house-owner...
Ok, so being a house owner is deffently something special, on the posetive side (and that goes a long way), you have the freedom of being able todo.. hell.. i can walk naked around my house if i want.. (ok, so i did that in the apartment also.., but it was an example .. and Pold.. dont get any smart ideas)

The freedom of owning a house is great.. but.. BUT.. BUT!!!!!.. it also have some negative sides.. eg. i just finished our budget, where we put focus on living cheap, meaning we pay of a certain amount of money on the house loans every month.. (like everybody else i presume), but doing a bit of math, shows that it will take us around 900 months - divide it by 12 and you go the years .. and by the time that we have paid of the house, we will also have paid the bank a small sum of 2,2 million in interest rent.. creeeedy son of a bitches... vampires!!!!!.. hmm.. gotta do something about that i guess.

On the other rather negative hand, you have the large amount of work that needs to be done.. ok.. so i did kinda figure out that we needed todo ALOT, but.. it seems like you work hard, you fix 1-2 things.. and there is 10 more.. so you work even more insanely hard.. and fix 10 things.. fuck it matters, then there is just 100 more that needs to be fixed.. ARGH!!!! .. ok.. i'll live, it happends to be that i like the role as handyman, and creds goes to you wonderfull wife (witch i love very much, thank you for asking), that she happends to be one hell of a handy man - thanx hun.. you ROCK!!

Anyway, i'm not gonna go into details about all the work we are doing, suffice to say, malin is doing enough of that with pictures of everything.. do head over to her blog.

Anyway, its time for me to run.. its late and i have "Andromeda" waiting, like any other real nerd, i need a big dose of sci-fi now and then.


Just thought about it, another good thing about moving in house.

For those who have been the happy visitor in our old apartment, they would know that we had a fuckload of stairs, well.. TADAAAA.. no more of that shit in the house.. ahhh.. so nice :)


Malla said...

Så slutsatsen är alltså att det som är positivt med att ha hus, det är att du kan gå naken, medan ALLT annat är negativt? Du var då en jävel till att vara missnöjd :P
Du ska vara hemskt glad att det är med MIG du har köpt hus, för jag gillar att göra saker och dom blir ockås gjorda :) Sen vet du ju att jag blir sur som fan om du tror att du har rätt att ta en paus - ingen rast ingen ro, family provider or not - I AM the MAN of the family moahahaha :) Godnatt min skatt

Valkin said...

"skatt" is spelled with one "t" :p

Jo, nu er det jo posetivt at have köbt hus, men der er jo ikke noget sjov i at snakke om det posetive.. vel ? ;)

Anonymous said...

Jo så är det att ha hus man är sysselsatt jämt där man först började är där man få börja igen då man tycker att man gjort allt klart.
Men man gör det för sin egen skull och vill man måla toadörren lila och svartrandigt kan man göra det.
Ni jobbar på enormt bra glöm bara inte att pausa och fira lite.

Michael Pold said...

If I can't comment on the naked bit ((weak) pun intended), I'll just forget about it all together! ..well, I ... OK, no! No! I wount! I will not! Now the mental pictures are starting to float around in my head! Thanks a lot Leon! You bastard!!!
