How STUPID is apple support ?

on Tuesday, April 14, 2009

As some know - i'm a apple fanatic, they make some extremely cool products and i'm the proud of several of them - and like any other apple user - i use itunes - for better or worse, in my case.. WORSE.

Itunes have this system where you need to activate itunes on a machine to be able to use it to eg. play music that you have bought in the itunes-store.. prety logic, what isent logic is that you can only activate on 5 diffrent machines and that you need to deactivate it before eg. reinstalling the machine - and offcourse, being the nerd that i am, i have reinstalled quite alot of times.. 

Now, apple provides the functionality to "reset" your itunes account so that you again can activate machines - however (and this is realy lame), you can only do that once a year (why??!?!) - and offcourse.. i allready have done that.

So, now i'm left with alot of music that i have bought, that i can not listen to any of the music that i have bought.

so, i desided to contact Apple technical support.. and here i was confronted with the most USELESS support ever..

1. I asked them to reset the activation list on my account
2. They escalated my case to some other guy who reset my password
3. I wrote back to him that it wasent my password i needed reset, and told showed him with screenshots what my problem is
4. He replied with a guide todo excaly what i just did (idiot-mode)
5. I replied back, and told him that i allready did that, and that was why i was getting this "error"
6. He replied back.. that he couldent help me :( :( :(


Ok, either this person have a IQ of 11 - or i'm realy bad at explaning - i mean, i never asked to have my password reset i asked to have my activation list reset - and whats even worse, is that itunes support can't do this.. so.. now i'm left with a dead account and alot of useless music..

!!! crap :(

Anyone else tried this ?


Malla said...

Så där gör jag med mina kunder :P
Näärp men jag har däremot haft å göra med netonnets kund"support", dom brode få stryk!

Michael Pold said...

iTunes is (almost) the sole reason I dumped my iPod and switched to the all in all better (imho) device; Creative Zen!

The Zen uses ZenCast, which is simpler (read: it's not a "We want your money!"-tool) and better ("better" is probably an opinion thing) than iTunes.

Check the new Zen: Zen X-Fi w. wireless LAN!